Sunnyside PTSA Weekly Update Wednesday, April 06, 2023 ????

~ Find the latest Messenger newsletter from the SES office here. ~

Sunnyside families!
We are certainly IN BLOOM right now! Please read below for the incredible Read-a-Thon results, tickets for our Spring Gala (May 6), Party Boards , the return of Bike Bus and so much more!

Our next PTSA meeting will be Friday, April 14th at 8:45am in Room 102. Teacher Jeremy will be joining to discuss what teachers are bargaining for and how you can help support their efforts! Join us for Oblique Coffee (bring your mug!), community, and great conversation about making the school experience better than ever for our kiddos.

See you there!
Heather & Auburn

IN BLOOM! Spring Gala is COMING!!! And we need YOU!!
1. Get Tickets to the Gala on May 6th!
2. Online Auction goes live April 21st. Last day to submit party board (more below) or donation items is April 9th. Email fundraising.
3. Volunteer!!!!

Hey all, with the Gala fast approaching Leslie and I are reaching out about Party Boards. What’s that you say? Party Boards are small group parties that you sign up for in person at the Gala. They are a lot of fun, easy to put together and make for great community building. Previous party examples have been D&D Gaming, Steal the Chicken, Movie Night with Gillian, Margaritas, and Music, and more.

So if you’ve got an idea, a talent, or a fun idea to share, reach out to Leslie and I for more information. Need a little convincing or to be connected with another to make a board happen, we’ll help you figure it out. Interested but don’t really have an idea? Pick one from this Party Board Ideas list.

We’re excited to hear from you! Leslie leslielothamer

We have a family who has come forward and asked for support from the Sunnyside community. This family is seriously struggling and could really use any donation – large or small – or a gift card to Fred Meyer’s. If you are able to donate to this anonymous fund, please do so by April14th. You can drop a gift card off with Michelle in the office, or donate via this Venmo. Thank you!


Grab your helmet, let’s ride together! With the spring weather and longer daylight, we are happy to welcome the Bike Bus back to Sunnyside after Spring Break. Kids are welcome to join each Wednesday morning on their bikes, with or without their grownups – there will be adults leading each route.
Starting Wednesday April 5th.
Meet at 8:20, ride at 8:25.
Meet at:
Taylor & 41st (East)
Pine & 32nd (North)
Salmon & 23rd (West)
Or join in along the way!


Holy moly!!! You all rocked this thing! Thank YOU, Sunnyside Community! We made almost $43,000. for our school programs! This is all you! You’re amazing!!

This year was so much fun thanks to all the volunteers that helped me make it happen, Gillian & Becky, you all for sharing with friends and family and OF COURSE our amazing students and teachers for participating in the events, reading and their LOVE for books!!!

The results for top fundraisers, top readers, top classrooms, top grade groups are in as well. We will be delivering prize certificates (and physical prizes) to students very soon. If your student is the recipient of a prize that contains a choice of prizes or gift cards I have emailed you so please check your email and respond ASAP.

Top Fundraising Classrooms:

  • K-2 Michelle
  • 3-5 Monica
  • 6-8 Michael

Top Reading/participation Classrooms:

  • K-2 Eric
  • 3-5 Asa
  • 6-8 Carrie/Mary Gage (tied)

Classroom with the MOST TOTAL reading units: Allye’s K classroom!

Top Fundraisers K-2:

  1. Mara Kelly Patterson ($100 @ Kids at Heart and a stuffie)
  2. Sam Hutchison ($75 worth of your choice gift cards)
  3. Billie Castro ($30 Books with Pictures gift card)
  4. Hazel Palochak ($30 Books with Pictures gift card)

Top Fundraisers 3-5:

  1. Ramona Ewald (your choice: Nintendo Switch, Great Wolf Lodge (with pass for 2), or custom shoes backpack)
  2. Rowan Black ONeal ($75 worth of your choice gift cards)
  3. Bennett Lembo ($30 Books with Pictures gift card)
  4. Aviva Myint ($30 Books with Pictures gift card)

Top Fundraisers 6-8:

  1. Ronan Hill (your choice: Nintendo Switch, Great Wolf Lodge (with pass for 2), or custom shoes backpack)
  2. Ames Black ONeal ($75 worth of your choice gift cards)
  3. Emma Auger ($30 Books with Pictures gift card)
  4. Opal Woodbury ($30 Books with Pictures gift card)


Top 3 readers per grade for the whole school! All will get a $5 Powell’s Gift Card and the top for each grade (bolded names) will also receive a book bundle!

Lily Pritchard, Ben Renfro, Issac Kahn, Isaac Bennett. Paxton Alexander, Billie Castro, Ellis Beebe, Quill Harrison, Theo Hedstrom, Nina Mordarski Stultz, Malachi Voelker, Calder Amderson, Ouray Speelman, Leo Cohen, Rowan Moon Bell, Jackson Habalar, Ada Gwozdziewycz, Ellie Nine, Lenny Henderson, SIta Niemann, Opal Woodbury, Kaya Lancaster, Mara Kelly Patterson, Conlee Hansen & Ruth Hatfield

And, finally, ALL 241 kids who turned in the read-a-thon brochures and/or got donations online will get a free ice cream card from Dairy Hill!!!

I am in awe of y’all and so happy to be part of this community!

Coffee with the Principal is back! ☕
So excited to announce these: Coming next month, dedicated time with Principal Eryn, to hear all about the amazing things happening at SES? SAVE THE DATES! ????
April 21 and May 19, 8:45-9:45am at SES


As always, consider donating to Fred Meyer Rewards and change your beneficiary to Sunnyside Environmental School!
Questions, ideas or submissions for future newsletters? Email Heather at tanky34 or Auburn at auburnmarie3