SES PTSA Newsletter 03-22-2023
Sunnyside PTSA Weekly Update Wednesday, March 22, 2023
~ Find the latest Messenger newsletter from the SES office here. ~
Hello Sunnyside!
Did you know that right before Spring Break is the toughest time of the school year for many teachers? Let’s show our amazing SES teachers our support!
In their contract negotiations, PPS teachers are demanding smaller class sizes and other important changes that will only improve your child’s education! One BIG way you can help is by filling out this PETITION to support educators during the bargaining. And don’t forget, TUESDAYS are for wearing blue!
Questions? Feel free to reach out to 4th-grade teacher Jeremy Thomas – jtinpdx1975. Jeremy will also be joining us at our April 14th General PTSA meeting to talk more about these crucial negotiations. Please SAVE THE DATE and join us!
Auburn + Heather, PTSA Co-Presidents
Save the Date!
“In Bloom” PTSA Spring Gala + Auction
Saturday, May 6, 2023
5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Revolution Hall’s Show Bar & Patio
EMCEE : Mo Phillips
FEATURING : Live Music by Kris DeeLane & The Hurt
TICKETS: On Sale April 3
We are still accepting more auction items and party board hosts until April 9! Submit your ideas by filling in this donation form.
Read-a-Thon Wrap-Up!
Y’all are amazing. Thanks for sending your kids to school with so much joy for reading. It really shows!
Please turn in your reading map (with total reading units and adult signature) and any physical pledges (cash or checks made out to the SES PTSA) before Spring Break! Extra forms are in the office, library, or here. EVERYONE who turns in their reading map and form office will get a free ice cream from Dairy Hill!!
We still have a few AMAZING signed books from our guest authors. Help us out by purchasing Emily Whitman’s The Turning, a coming of age story about a selkie boy & his mother OR Amber Keyer’s, The Way Back from Broken, a wilderness survival story about overcoming grief. Thanks! Prize winners will be announced after Spring Break.
Sustainability Programming
Farmer Nathan’s Corner: *NEW Weekly Column!
HAPPY SPRING!!!! We have been busy waking up the gardens from their winter slumber! The cover crop has been tilled in and beds have been worked. We are busy seeding our long season flowers, brassicas, onions, shallots, leeks and chives in the Garden Classroom. We have started transplanting and direct-seeded sugar snap peas. We also made fun forts for the students to climb up out of branches we pruned from the fruit trees. It has been a blast being back in the gardens with the students and we are all loving these sunny days! Also, stay tuned for information coming next week about a Seedling Sale and a Garden Club, both launching later in Spring! Thanks always for letting me do what I love, learning and growing with your kiddos!
– Nathan
School Happenings
Bike Bus is BACK for Spring 2023!
Grab your helmet, let’s ride together! With the spring weather and longer daylight, we are happy to welcome the Bike Bus back to Sunnyside after Spring Break. Kids are welcome to join each Wednesday morning on their bikes, with or without their grownups – there will be adults leading each route.
Starting Wednesday April 5th: Meet at 8:20, ride at 8:25!
Meeting Points:
Taylor & 41st (East)
Pine & 32nd (North)
Salmon & 23rd (West)
Or join in along the way!
PTSA is excited to present: Family Art Night!
As part of our work as a staff, equity team, parent involvement, and site council, there has been an ask for more community events to connect our community with the work we do here in our classrooms around identity, race, justice, and inclusiveness. We are excited to present the first speaker. Please see the linked poster (also embedded below).
Coffee with the Principal is back!
So excited to announce these: Coming next month, dedicated time with Principal Eryn, to hear all about the amazing things happening at SES? SAVE THE DATES!
April 21 and May 19, 8:45-9:45am at SES
As always, consider donating to Fred Meyer Rewards and change your beneficiary to Sunnyside Environmental School!
Questions, ideas or submissions for future newsletters? Email Heather at tanky34 or Auburn at auburnmarie3