Sunnyside PTSA Weekly Update
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
~ Find the latest Messenger newsletter from the SES office here. ~

Hello Sunnyside!
We are excited to be hosting our next PTSA meeting this ​​ Friday, March 17 in Room 102 at SES at 8:45 am! Join us in person or Virtually! We have soooooo much to talk about, including an exciting and much awaited announcement regarding our spring gala! Drumroll please, friends!

Save the Date!

💐 “In Bloom” PTSA Spring Gala + Auction
🌹Saturday, May 6, 2023
🌼 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
🌺 Revolution Hall’s Show Bar & Patio

EMCEE: Mo Phillips

FEATURING: Live Music by Kris DeeLane & The Hurt

TICKETS: On Sale April 3

​​Auburn + Heather, PTSA Co-President ​s ????

Special Events + Celebrations ????
Pi-Day on Tuesday Night was AMAZING!
SES, you really know how to show up for a Pi Day Party! Thanks to everyone who came, brought pie, wrote or recited Pi digits, and played or facilitated math games! Special thanks to our guest speaker Traci Kiyama, our many volunteers, and to Lauretta Jean’s for donating pies. We had about 120+ attendees, consumed 35+ pies, and celebrated the math hype of sooooo many students who got up there to recite numbers, told jokes, MCed, or played music. We hope you expanded your mind, ate a tasty slice, and enjoyed the community gathering. 🥧🎉🤘

Coffee with the Principal is back! ☕
So excited to announce these: Coming next month, dedicated time with Principal Eryn, to hear all about the amazing things happening at SES? Yes please!
April 21 and May 19, 8:45-9:45am at SES (Room TBD)

Let’s show Sunnyside TEACHERS our support! 🍎😉
In their contract negotiations, PPS t eachers are demanding smaller class sizes and other important changes that will only improve your child’s education.
This is a difficult battle that can use all the parent and student support it can possibly get! TUESDAYS are for wearing blue!!
Questions? Feel free to reach out to 4th-grade teacher Jeremy Thomas – ​ ​ jtinpdx1975.

Fundraisers 💰
Read-a-thon – That’s a wrap (almost)! ​ ​ 📚
Thanks to all of the amazing SES families for being such strong supporters of our school community and for making the Read-A-Thon such a success each year! This year has been amazing as usual with so many amazing author visits, the locker library, dress up days, and soooo much reading! Currently our fundraising efforts for this have gone very well! Online, we are at an estimated profit of around $30,000! This is incredible and the credit all goes to the SES community! If you wanted to contribute, but didn’t get a chance, it’s not too late !! You can still collect pledges through March 24th online. Go to MYBOOSTER.COM or collect them by hand and turn them into the office with your Read-a-thon brochure next week! We also still have some copies of our signed guest author books:

  • Amber Keyer’s book: The Way Back from Broken (an emotional journey of wilderness survival and healing)
  • Emily Whitman’s book: The Turning (a coming-of-age tale about a selkie boy, winner of the Oregon Spirit Book Award)

Next, have your students turn in their reading map with their ​ TOTAL reading units, and physical pledges (cash or checks made out to the SES PTSA). EVERYONE who turns in their reading map and form to their teacher or the office will get a free ice cream card from Dairy Hill!! So, please make sure to turn it in. It helps us give our prizes for top readers and top reading classrooms too! Lost the brochure? No big deal. To get a new form you can go here: wp-content/uploads/2023/02/ 2023_brochure_v4.pdf or ask in the library for an already printed one.

As always, consider donating to Fred Meyer Rewards and change your beneficiary to Sunnyside Environmental School!

Questions, ideas or submissions for future newsletters? Email Heather at tanky34 or Auburn a ​t auburnmarie3